A heritage tree is typically a large, individual tree that holds unique or historical value and is often considered irreplaceable. The criteria of a heritage tree include:
- Size (large diameter and tall trees are typically valued more)
- Age (older trees have historic value)
- Rarity (uncommon trees often create more interest)
- Botanical value (some tree species trigger perceptions of enhanced value – think walnut)
- Aesthetic value (trees that frame a building or add a design element are valued more)
- Ecological value (some trees are prized for bird habitat or extra soil holding ability)
Many communities have created ordinances that protect heritage trees. While some strictly forbid removal of large healthy trees without a permit and replacement, others will permit removal if fees are paid to help the city plant trees in public places to compensate for the loss of the tree that will be removed. While some find this type of regulation to be an over-reach of authority and regulation, others find these tools help to preserve a community’s tree canopy and the many benefits it provides. Others recognize that large tree create a sense of place in a community and help to identify a community’s unique character.
If caring for a heritage tree is your responsibility, follow these three tips from Hansen’s Tree Service:
Know What Tree You Have & How To Care For It
Before you can correctly care for and protect your heritage tree, you must know what you have. A tree assessment and appraisal by an ISA-certified arborist will determine the tree’s health value based on species, size, location, and condition. If nearby construction is planned, check local regulations to see if a permit is needed prior to any work that may damage the tree.
Consider A Tree Protection Plan Before Construction Begins
A tree protection plan is an essential part of caring for heritage trees on your property. Use the information about your tree when development planning begins. A Hansen’s ISA-certified arborist will provide you with a list of recommended treatments for heritage trees you decide to protect.
We will also provide you with the option of installing tree protection devices such as dynamic tree cabling and limb support. Combined with other tree care methods like pruning, tree protection plans protect your heritage trees’ health and integrity.
Get Your Heritage Tree Regularly Inspected By An ISA-Certified Arborist
Getting your heritage trees inspected regularly by an ISA-certified arborist will help ensure their health and assess any risks, like breakage. Breakage can damage a heritage tree and any property or persons around it.