Tree Of The Month: The Pignut Hickory

The Pignut Hickory is a native deciduous tree known for its hardiness, unique appearance, and valuable contributions to ecosystems. As part of the hickory family, it’s an important tree that supports wildlife, provides aesthetic appeal, and offers various environmental benefits. If you’ve never heard of this species, you may want [...]

How To Prepare Your Trees For Spring

As the cold, harsh winter months begin to fade, it’s time to start thinking about preparing your trees for the end of another harsh winter and the start of spring. Trees in Missouri, as in many other areas with distinct seasons, endure a period of dormancy during the winter. However, [...]

Can Tree Roots Freeze?

This winter has been an especially difficult one through much of Missouri and the U.S. Temperatures in January reached 0 degrees Fahrenheit, heavy snowfalls, ice and high winds made the winter of 2024-2025 memorable. This winter wasn’t just tough on humans; it was also brutal on trees and shrubs. One [...]

Tree Of The Month: The Shortleaf Pine

The Shortleaf Pine is an exceptional tree choice for homeowners and landscapers looking to add beauty, shade, and environmental benefits to their yards or properties in the St. Louis area and central Missouri. Native to eastern North America, this versatile tree thrives in a variety of landscapes and offers year-round [...]

The Entire Hansen’s Tree Service Team Wishes You A Happy Holiday Season And A Prosperous 2025!

As the end of 2024 nears, every member of the Hansen’s Tree Service team wishes you a Joyous Holiday Season and a wonderful New Year. We also thank YOU, for your support during 2024, a year which was filled with good news for us! You made 2024 a truly memorable [...]