What’s Wrong With My Tree? Oak Decline

Oak Decline Can Happen For Many Reasons Oak decline is a complex event that can happen for many reasons, including age, where they grow, how the land is being used, and weather events such as drought. Disease can also be contributing factor, such as oak wilt. Those oaks most affected [...]

What’s Wrong With My Tree? Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetle Is An Invasive Species In The United States Introduced to the United States in the early 1900s, the Japanese beetle most likely came here in the soil of ornamental plants from Japan. These beautiful scarabs are a brilliant metallic green with copper-brown wings and approximately 1/3 to half-inch [...]

What’s Wrong With My Tree: White Pine Pollution Damage

White Pine Is Intolerant Of Air Pollution White pine is a rapid-growing, long-lived, needled evergreen tree that is native to the eastern United States. This evergreen is intolerant of air pollution such as sulfur dioxide and ozone. As such, they can decline and be susceptible to diseases and pests.

What’s Wrong With My Tree? Bark Beetle

Bark Beetles Are Small Insects That Burrow Under Tree Bark Bark beetles are small insects, about the size of a grain of rice, that burrow under the bark of trees. Most borers will prey on dead or dying trees but will feed on healthy ones. While some are beneficial to [...]

What’s Wrong With My Trees? Wood Decay

Wood Decay Is Caused By Fungi While wood decay is natural—and beneficial—in nature, we don’t necessarily want it occurring in the trees on our lawns. Wood decay first begins when the tree is damaged by natural or man-made means, be it a storm or improper pruning. Fungus spores and bacteria [...]