Identifying & Controlling Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are “skeletonizers” that feed on a plant’s leaves until only the veins remain. They will feed on hundreds of different plants and are invasive to Missouri and the United States. Up Next: Hit ‘Em First: Pest Prevention During Winter Produces Healthier Trees Year Round Once Japanese beetles are [...]

Protecting Trees On Your Property From Borers

Borers like Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), bark beetle, dogwood borer, and other species are devastating to trees when not caught and treated early. These pests burrow into your trees, causing dieback, tree death, increased woodpecker activity, and other symptoms. Up Next: What To Do With That Hollow Tree In Your [...]

Tips For Ridding Your Trees Of Spider Mites

Is that a spider infestation on your trees and plants? They’re probably spider mites! Spider mites are insects that produce protective silk webs similar to spiders that can be found on deciduous trees, evergreens, and other plants. The mites themselves are nearly microscopic in size, but their webs and the [...]

What Are Tree Galls & Will They Harm My Trees?

When you see strange lumps, bumps, and growths on your tree it’s understandable that you may be concerned for the health of your trees. Are they something serious? Up Next: 5 Common Tree Diseases & How To Protect Your Trees

The Benefits Of Deep Root Fertilization Treatments

Deep root fertilization is the method in which liquid fertilizer is injected into the soil near a tree’s roots. Also known as soil injection, deep root fertilization is applied with a long, narrow injection tool, providing a myriad of benefits to your trees. Up Next: 5 Things That Might Be [...]