Do Your Trees Need Special Support?

Many varieties of trees have a full appearance, with extended, horizontal limbs, creating shade and a beautiful aesthetic. In many areas of Missouri, maples, all varieties of dogwoods, and elms are among such species. These varieties of trees are pleasing to the eye and an asset to any home’s landscaping [...]

Protect Your Oak Trees

Oak trees are notable for their size and strength. They’re also one of the most common trees in the St. Louis area and in the Midwest. Oaks are robust trees with generally strong root systems that contribute to their excellent stability, even in the face of violent windstorms. But even [...]

What’s the difference between ISA Certification and an ISA Qualification?

ISA Certification (International Society of Arboriculture Certification) is a credential offered by the International Society of Arboriculture, a professional organization dedicated to promoting proper tree care practices worldwide. ISA Certification is designed to assess and recognize the knowledge and skills of individuals working in the field of arboriculture, specifically related [...]

What’s wrong with my tree? Hard scale

Hard scale is a type of tree scale Hard scale refers to a type of scale insect that infests and feeds on trees. Scale insects are small, sap-feeding insects that belong to the order Hemiptera. The term “hard scale” specifically refers to scale insects that have a hard, armor-like covering [...]

Andy’s Monthly Tree Report – May 2023

Oh, how time flies… I feel like most plants have finally fully leafed out and it’s almost June already. Unsurprisingly, May’s weather has been hot, cold, wet, and dry which makes for some interesting situations in the urban landscape. Below are some highlights of what’s been going on: That nasty [...]