What You Need to Know Before Buying Compost

Buying compost has never been easier Think back five to ten years ago. The only compost you ever knew about was the stuff that some folks managed to make out of their scraps in bins in their backyards. Garden guides often refer to compost as “natures method” of recycling. Nature [...]

Buying Organic Compost

Buying organic compost isn’t just purchasing a truck load of manure anymore. Soil maintenance needs more than just manure. Maintaining healthy soil is at the heart of growing organic. I’ve heard it said “Feed the soil and the plants will take care of themselves”. That is a very true statment. [...]

Storms hit trees & residents hard.

The storms that rolled through the St. Louis Metro area on Saturday evening July the 24th did a lot of damage. At Hansen’s we’ve had calls from people with trees on or in their homes & vehicles causing some serious damage. We are responding to each of these calls as [...]

The Magic Beans- Hansen’s Own Organic Compost – St. Louis

Buying Organic Compost and using it after Aeration gives a lot of “Bang for the Buck” In the heat of a St. Louis summer, it’s hard to believe, what my lawn really is thirsty for is the benefits that organic compost brings. Face it, it’s St. Louis, it’s hot & [...]

Listen Live!

Do you enjoy learning about what’s happening out in your lawn and garden? Did you know that Hansen’s sponsors two radio programs on tree & plant health? If you are in the St. Louis Metro- find us on KMOX AM every Saturday morning from 8a-11a. In the Springfield, MO area- [...]