Can I Put A Screw Or Nail Into My Tree?

Hanging a birdhouse from a tree or building a treehouse requires nails or screws for its safety and integrity. Up Next: Tips For Safely Hanging A Swing From Your Tree But can you put a screw or nail safely into your tree? Yes, but there are some conditions.

What Is Wrong With My Tree? Aphids

Aphids Are Small, Sap-Sucking Insects Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on plants’ sap using their long, slender mouths to pierce stems, leaves, and other tender plant parts. Aphids have pear-shaped bodies with long legs and antennae that may be green, yellow, brown, red, or black, depending on the [...]

What Is Wrong With My Tree? Spider Mites

Spider mites are insects Spider mites are very small, nearly microscopic, pests that produce protective silk webs similar to spider webs that can be found on deciduous trees, evergreens, and other plants. The mites are actually in the “spider” family and not true insects. While the webs are visible, the [...]

4 Winter Tree Care Tips For Healthier Trees Year Round

The winter may be mild this year, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop thinking about your trees! Proper winter tree care sets your trees up for success, so be sure not to neglect them! Up Next: 3 Ways You May Unknowingly Be Harming Your Trees Here are 4 [...]

Your Tree Hazard Checklist For Healthy Trees

Defects in trees can create health and safety risks to you and your property. Falling limbs and trees can damage property or cause serious injury. While the ultimate decision to remedy tree risk issues is yours, getting good information from a reliable source will help you make the correct decision [...]