When you are purchasing compost, you will want to know exactly what it is that you are getting. Hansen’s Tree Service is determined to provide you with the best and safest gardening products, which is why we have become STA Certified through the US Composting Council.
What Is The US Composting Council?
The US Composting Council “advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling to benefit our members, society, and the environment.” They focus on large-scale compost manufacturing and marketing, as well as public education about the benefits of composting.
How Does STA Certification Work?
When we say we are STA Certified, it means that we undergo regular compost testing, as well as complying with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations with respect to the certified compost product.
STA Certification also means that our compost meets the definition of compost as per the US Composting Council.
What STA Certification Means For You
STA Certified compost means that the compost you are considering is suitable for its intended use. In short, verified compost provides many benefits such as:
- Improving soil structure and porosity for a better plant root environment
- Enables soils to retain nutrients longer
- Buffers soil pH
- Improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils
We will also make all test results available to you upon request. This Compost Technical Data Sheet includes directions for product use, a list of product ingredients and analytical test results.
Not sure how much compost you need for your project? We are more than happy to help you estimate your yardage needs.