Getting a little stir-crazy sitting inside? Why not spend some time outside with the family to build a raised garden bed! It’s simple and sure to keep your house busy for the days to come.
When planning the location of your garden, be sure to keep in mind the types of plants you want. Most plants need sunlight, which means you should look for a spot that gets plenty of suns. Once you’ve found that, we can start building.
Building the Garden Bed
When you’ve found your location, the next step is determining the size of your garden bed. The frame can simply be made by using 2 x 4s placed on the ground or even retaining wall blocks to create the bed size you want. Allow the roots plenty of space to grow by building the walls at least 6 inches high. Follow these directions to build:
Step 1: Measure and mark the length of the walls and cut your wood. If you choose to use cinder blocks, you are limited in sizes, but that is up to you. Once marked, cut the 2 x 4s and additional corner posts to support the walls. They should be the height of the wall.
Step 2: Clamp together the wood boards one wall at a time. Set the corner posts on top of the boards, align the post with the ends of the walls and set back 1-1/2 inches from the ends of the shorter walls. Drill pilot holes and attach the posts with screws. If you cut additional posts, attach them as well.
Step 3: Connect all the walls by drilling pilot holes and inserting screws to form the box shape. Make sure the posts are on the inside of the bed.
Setting the Location
Place the frame in the desired location already picked out. Follow these steps for the finishing touches:
Step 1: Outline your placed frame with a shovel.
Step 2: Shift the frame over to remove the grass inside the previously marked outline. Loosen the dirt with a spading fork to help your new plants’ roots grow deeply into the ground.
Step 3: Before setting the bed back in place, staple wide-mesh hardware cloth (or landscape fabric or even newspaper) to the bottom of the frame to block weed growth from below. The cover helps keep weeds out but allows earthworms to still get in to enrich the soil.
Step 4: If your wood is not rot-resistant, staple heavy-duty plastic along the inside of your plant bed walls.
Adding Soil and Plants
When it comes to adding your soil, be sure you are using high-quality super soil from Hansen’s Tree Service. It is developed from 100% recycled green waste and will ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need!
Hansen’s Tree Service says, “This nutrient-rich topsoil is composed of 70% soil and 30% organic compost. The blend maximizes the biological benefits of this organic soil for ultimate plant growth and garden yield. The blending ratio makes this topsoil especially beneficial for planting beds, organic gardens and retaining wall backfill, or to incorporate throughout a yard prior to seeding or sodding.”
This super soil can be ordered online and delivered to your home for drop off. It sells at $26/cubic yard + shipping and tax. To order click here or call 636.379.1830.
Once you have ordered your soil, pick out your plants, and plant away. Be sure to pay attention to the plant tags so you know the best methods for care and don’t forget to water them!
Now you have a new raised garden bed for your family to enjoy this Spring!